

I'm currently an undergraduate at Washington University in St.Louis pursuing a BME and Spanish double major. 


I started this campaign during my HS years when I realized that there are so many girls who take themselves for granted because they don't necessarily fit what society depicts as perfect. I struggled through depression, anxiety, and fought hard to bring myself to where I am today. Thinking back I feel as though if there was some way for me to know I wasn't alone it would've made my journey that much easier. I know there are so many girls on their journeys to finding themselves and struggling everyday to appreciate themselves. 


The campaign is designed to help girls realize that there are so many things that make someone beautiful aside from physical appearance. 

How can I help?

Take a second to inspire someone with your picture as well as take a second to think about what makes you beautiful, because even when you feel like the world is against you, there is something inside you that makes you shine. You're contribution would mean the world to me, aid the goals of the campaign, and perhaps put a smile on a girls face who may be inspired by your definition of what makes you beautiful. Go check out the FAQ page for any quick questions about the campaign otherwise feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns!

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